Recent Research Projects

This semester I have an internship at the University of Idaho Soil Stewards Student Farm ( . I am designing a public relations campaign and outreach and advocacy program to revitalize the farm. Along with the farm manager and the CSA coordinator, we will work on connecting students and their class projects with the farm. We will also be raising a new hoop house and researching Elliot Coleman's methods of Four Season Farming ( We will also be updating our website and recruiting volunteers to help on the farm. Please come out and join the fun on the farm, you can email soilstewards for more information and to volunteer. See you there.


Marci said...

I know of some really great farming consultants who have researched and written a virtual book on season extension farming... if you'd like their input, I think I can arrange some sort of meeting. the farm we're working on in deer lodge has 70 frost free days... now that's short!! looking forward to helping the farm in ways that are meaningful.

Northwest Wellness~Mind & Body Nutrition & Wellness Coaching said...

Awesome Marci...thanks for the help, you're the best!